David H. Hayes

S.I.L.E.C./MTU #14
David Hayes is currently the Director of the Southwestern Illinois Law Enforcement Commission Mobile Training Unit 14 of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board.
Prior to work at SILEC, David was a 30-year Police Officer at the Alton Police Department, retiring as Chief of Police in 2013. Coming up through the ranks at the Alton Police Department, Chief Hayes held many assignments, including Patrol, Uniformed Special Operations, MEGSI, General Assignment Detective, Narcotics Unit Supervisor, Patrol Watch Commander, Chief of Detectives, and Deputy Chief of Police. He is also the former Commander of the ILEAS Regional SRT Team and a former Deputy Commander for the St. Louis Area Major Case Squad. He was also a FBI-Certified Hostage Negotiator.
For over 20 years, David trained and instructed law enforcement officers on the subjects of Firearms, Criminal Street Gangs, Interview & Interrogation, Law Enforcement Ethics, Report Writing and Video Interviewing. He also taught courses at Lewis & Clark Community College in Forensic Crime Scene Investigation and Police Patrol Techniques. Chief Hayes developed SILEC MTU 14’s first 40-Hour Certified Gang Crimes Specialist training course in 1995.
David holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. He is the recipient of the 1995 IACP Illinois Police Officer-of-the-Year award, and the 2012 recipient of the Illinois State Bar Association Law Enforcement Leadership Award.